Lindsay Simon’s Moonshine Ink Article:
How to Find Calm in a Crazy World.
November 19, 2021
Millions of years of evolution have led us to be built to survive, not for happiness. That means we need to consciously learn and practice strategies that will reduce anxiety, depression, stress and boost happiness. We need to train and wire our brains towards thinking habits that lead to peace, gratitude and happiness.
Check out the article written by Lindsay Simon, LMFT, Clinical Director of A Balanced Life: Individual, Family and Child Therapy, Inc in Lake Tahoe, CA, in the esteemed Mooneshine Ink sharing tips and education on how to improve your happiness right now, regardless of the stressors occurring in the world:
Here are some quick bonus tips on ways to improve your happiness:
1. Make a list of what is in your control and what is out of your control. Radically accept the things out of your control and re-focus your energy on what is in your control (your own thoughts, behaviors and communication habits)
2. Practice mindfulness. When you notice your mind time traveling to the past or future you can use your breath or any of the 5 senses to focus on to bring your brain back to the present moment. Non-judgmentally practice observing your experience in the present.
3. Expressing appreciation verbally. To enhance relationships its not enough to think positive things about someone else, say them out loud.
4. Practice gratitude. You can start a gratitude journal where you write down three things you are grateful for that happened that day and WHY you are grateful for it too.
5. Spend time doing things you enjoy.
6. Limit or eliminate negative media.
7. Set limits and healthy boundaries with people who drain you.
8. Practice compassion. Know that everyone is doing the best they can given the skills, awareness and knowledge they have at the time.
9. Practice apologizing when you make a mistake. Blaming others and defensiveness push other people away and can create toxic communication and relationships.
10. Take time to stop and notice the beauty in the world. What can you look or think of right now for a few seconds that makes you appreciate the world right now. Maybe a view from a mountain top, looking out the window at a tree, or listening to rain on the roof.
These are all strategies derived from decades of research that will help improve mood and reduce stress. Each person is unique and a different set of tools, lifestyle choices and boundaries in their life is needed to create the greatest success in life. Working with a skilled therapist can help you personalize the best tools to impelemt in your life to help you thrive and live your best life.
Here at A Balanced Life we have 8 therapists to choose from and you can call to speak with a care coordinator to help answer any of your questions and find the best fit therapist for you.
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